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David Livingstone’s Amazing Life

January 24, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

Written by Phineas Upham,

In November of 1871, a weary Henry Morton Stanley was making his way through South Africa in search of Dr. Livingstone. The story goes that he arrived in the town of Ujiji, and seeing the only white person for miles, approached the man and simply asked him, “Dr. Livingstone I presume?” Actual records of the meeting make no mention of this historic phrase, but the life of Dr. Livingstone goes far deeper than this quote. The man who found Victoria Falls lived prolifically among African villagers.

The Nile

Dr. Livingstone had, for years, been exploring the deepest parts of Africa. It was a combination of factors that forced him to pivot on his exploration strategies and make some premature conclusions. With his medicines stolen, his crew deserting him at every turn, and declining health he mistakenly concluded that the Lualaba River was actually the Nile (which Western explorers had not yet reached.)


That expedition put Livingstone front and center for an event that would change his life forever. In July of 1871, angered by poor deals, Livingstone witnessed slave traders massacre over 400 people. The event so thoroughly shocked him that he would continue to denounce slavery until his death, writing poignantly about the horrors he witnessed first-hand.


Livingstone was awarded the highest honor of the Royal Geographic Society for his work in exploring Africa. Livingstone’s numerous expeditions uncovered places like Victoria Falls and helped fill in details about parts of Africa that had gone previously unknown.

Phineas Upham is an investor from NYC and SF. You may contact Phineas on his Phineas Upham website

The Amazing Ability of Ground Power Units

January 24, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

When you consider how dependent we are on fuel these days, it can be startling to think what would happen if we lost it. I’m not just talking about gasoline either. Fuels like electricity are just as, if not more, important to the things we often take for granted in our everyday lives.

Sadly, many people have found out all too well that they can lose this fuel in a heartbeat. Since Katrina hit, it seems like a year hasn’t gone by without a major natural disaster destroying the daily lives people once knew. Whether it’s the tsunamis in Asia and Haiti or the many tornados that have swept through areas of the United States, it’s not unrealistic anymore to prepare for the damage Mother Nature can stick us with at will.

That’s why ground power units are so important. They can easily get our power back up and running when we need it most. Companies all over the world use them, so why shouldn’t you? Mining companies use mining equipment starting unit options to make sure their business can keep on running around the clock. Airports use units to keep their planes up and running when they’re idling on the runway.

Fortunately, we don’t need options as dramatic as those. A lithium ground power unit can be our best friend when trouble strikes and it’s a perfectly affordable option.


Article submitted by Start Pac. They offer a wide variety of options like a gas turbine start up for keeping your life moving when the energy goes out.

How the Great Barrier Reef Formed

January 17, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

Posted By Phin Upham

Over a half million years ago, the Great Barrier Reef began to take shape. The continental shelf has constantly evolved over time, and depending on the depth of the place where you stand, the current formation may be anywhere from six to eight-thousand years old.

Formations Today

The reef we see today began to form around 7,000 years ago, during an event known as the Last Glacial Maximum. Sea levels had been raising by about 15 millimeters per year for the past 9,000 years. For the  19,000 years prior, sea levels had dropped dramatically. As they regained their levels, dramatic changes struck the reef.

The Beginning

The Reef itself formed from the sediment of the Great Dividing Range, which was at one point Australia’s largest mountain range. Roughly 13,000 years ago, when the sea level was about 200 feet lower than its current level, coral began to form around the hills of the coastal plans. This land had become part of the continental island over time.As temperatures increased over time, the glaciers melted and submerged the majority of the Continental islands. The remaining coral began to form the basis of the reefs that divers and sea life explore today.

Changing the Landscape

Of course, man made changes to the landscape have affected populations. The Great Barrier Reef was one of the most renowned and well-tended natural sites in the world. Recent bouts with overfishing and manmade problems have put the wildlife in danger.

Phin Upham is an investor from NYC and SF. You may contact Phin on his Phin Upham website or LinkedIn page.