Crown Cargo

Reasons Why You Should Opt For Wheel Reconditioning

May 23, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Bearing stark similarity to retreads, having the alloy wheels of your car reconditioned has a long list of benefits, provided the job is done by a professional who really knows what he is doing. While the other option is to purchase a new set, there’s no doubt that this will cost much more then getting them reconditioned.

Here is a list of benefits that you can take advantage of in opting for wheel reconditioning:

#1: As good as new

If you opt for reconditioning, your wheels will get a second life and will be similar to your tires New Jersey, looking in better condition if you get a retread done. Not only will your wheels look as good as new, but you can have them done at fraction of the amount it would cost you to get a new set of wheels. And it is no different than getting a new set of tires.

#2: Increase of the resale value of your vehicle

If you get the reconditioning done by an expert, it will help you trade in your vehicle for a new vehicle as the resale value of your current vehicle will go up.

#3: The option of a mobile wheel reconditioning service

If you don’t want to leave your vehicle at the mechanic’s shop to get the job done, some of them offer to come to your place and get it fixed within an hour. This is convenient for drivers who cannot do without their vehicle, as they can use their vehicle immediately after the job is done.

What You Should Know About Truck Driving Jobs

May 22, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

While most people attribute the shrinking size of the world to the latest advancements in communication technology, there’s no doubt that this has also played an important part in the logistics industry.

The demand for skilled drivers has increased more than ever, thanks to an overwhelming number of truck driving jobs that are vacant due to an increase in demand for logistics services as a whole.

However, the reason for this demand is because being able to drive safely and complete a task per schedule is not something that everyone can do. It requires another level of expertise than what is required to carry out the role of a company driver.

Due to the fact that the truck is larger and heavier than most conventional vehicles driven, being able to navigate this vehicle on busy roads definitely requires a decent amount of skill that can be obtained at a truck driving school while also meeting stringent certification requirements.

Being a truck driver also requires a different mindset altogether. For one, a truck driving job is anything but monotonous. In taking on the role of a truck driver, you will need to stay away from home for long periods of time but will also be given time to spend with the family once the task is complete.

If you like lucrative salaries and traveling by yourself, then you couldn’t find a better profession than truck driving. And the best part of it all is that you don’t have to be well educated to apply for California truck driving jobs or jobs from anywhere else, as the age limit in most cases is eighteen years with the ability to speak basic English and the roads and highways, depending on the demands of the job.

And last but not least, since this is a demanding job, you’ll have to show mental and physical fitness in order to be able to keep up with the demands.

The Benefits of Retread Tires

May 21, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

With the tightening of environmental regulations and the rising cost of fuel, it is becoming more and more important to find ways by which productivity can be increased and costs can be reduced.

Industry experts consider fuel and labor costs to be the most pressing issues, but have also highlighted the costs involved in tires, which falls under operating costs.

This is why the transportation industry finds itself dependent on retread tires nowadays, as there are benefits that can help with the aforementioned issues of cost and productivity. Here is a list of benefits that the automotive industry is profiting from these days:

Benefit #1: The cost factor

As most people know, retreading your old tires will cost half as much as a new set of Michelin truck tires. This has been so successful that the automotive industry wants to incorporate retreading into an industry maintenance program that will save them almost three billion dollars every year in the United States.

Benefit #2: Can be used for a wide range of vehicles

Retreading technology is not just useful for trucking companies, but also for government vehicles, such as military vehicles, post office trucks, and school buses. In fact, even consumers can get their trailer tires retreaded, which will increase the number of years that the tire is used for.

Benefit #3: Environmentally friendly

Since it takes almost 22 gallons of oil to produce one tire and 7 gallons of oil to retread a tire, you can imagine the difference the latter process makes on the environment. Used tires are also turning out to make a big difference to manufacturing and company costs. Finally, due to the fact that natural resources are depleting rapidly, the option of retreading tires is turning out to be a better option by the day.

Steps to Find The Right Trucking Jobs

May 20, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

The recession changed the meaning of employment for people across several professions, but there was one profession that wasn’t as affected by the economic slump.

We’re talking about the logistics industry where trucking jobs are still available for skilled and capable drivers who are mentally and physically tough enough to manage a demanding (and lucrative) job such as this one.

With a Commercial Drivers’ License (CDL), you can gain access to a variety of Georgia truck driving jobs, not to mention jobs available in other states that could be anything from traveling cross- country in order to deliver particular goods to local delivery trucks, and even trucks which pull trailers along with them.

Here are a few steps that you can follow in order find the right trucking job:

Step #1: Find out which trucking job is suitable to your skills

If you have attended OTR School and have a CDL, then you can apply to the most demanding and well-paying trucking jobs that are available. However, if you think you’re not ready for these demands yet, a local delivery hauler might be able to employ you for a decent paycheck. Alternatively, you can also use your pickup truck to ‘freelance’ in moving things around for people.

Step #2: Find jobs in newspapers and over the internet

Craigslist is one such place where you can find jobs as well as truck driving sites. The newspaper also will advertise openings for truck driving positions that are available, and in looking in all these places, you can easily find Texas truck driving jobs if you live in Texas.

Step #3: Driver applications

Filling out driver applications at websites for truck driving jobs will help you, as they will send you information for jobs that suit your experience and qualifications.

Step #4: Follow up

If you haven’t heard back from the companies that you applied to, follow up on your application status by making a phone call or sending them an email.