A truck driver is expected to drive a large capacity vehicle, typically more than three tons, and deliver that load to a specified destination by a specific time. In owner operator truck driving jobs the driver is expected to find the loads he is supposed to haul and schedule the jobs. That means the trucker has to wear a lot of different hats, and deal with responsibilities that are no less important to jis livleyhood than getting the load to its destination on time. The upside is that owner operator is his own boss.
At the opposite end of the spectrum of truck drivers, are those drivers who have dedicated truck driving jobs . The advantage for these drivers lies in security and predictability, of their schedule, of the number of miles they will cover, of when they can be home, and of their paycheck. While they don’t call the shots, they can expect an income that is as reliable as their employers company is. Although these days no one feels their job is completely secure, the dedicated truck driver can leave most of the worrying to the main office and focus on hauling the freight that he’s responsible for.
A class A truck is popularly known as a tractor trailer, and these are trucks we usually thing of when we hear the words “truck driver”. Finding a
class a truck driving jobs requires that one have a class A license, since the big rigs are notoriously difficult to handle.