Shopkeepers sometimes limit themselves to floor store fixtures such as clothing racks and display cases for countertop displays. Taking advantage of your vertical space with shelving, gridwalls and slatwalls should also be utilized to maximize space on your floor. Make drab walls more interesting by displaying items up high. Use a mannequin on top of a circular clothing rack to sample what lies below. The main idea is to clear up your floor space so customers can easily walk around and look at what you have to offer. Using your walls opens up your store and allows breathing room.
One of the most important things to remember while designing your store organization is to make sure there is enough room to store your items in an aesthetically pleasing way. Customers are often frustrated by clutter and will often leave before buying anything. Clients prefer the ease of comfortably browsing through clothing while it is still on the rack. If your customers need to muscle through your clothing racks to yank out a piece of clothing, it may be time to make use of vertical space. Your customers are less likely to replace clothing back on the rack in their proper spot if clothing is packed too tightly together. To avoid your garments from ending up on the floor where they are trampled on, dirtied, and damaged, start hanging clothing up on the walls. This creates more space for your customers to browse. If your store is neat and organized, it’s likely that your customers will want to maintain that.
Ways you can make use of your wall space is with shelving. Gondola shelving, for example can easily change the height of each shelf to accommodate new items. However, shelving can only be useful to a point. Gridwalls are a wire rack that can be installed on your wall surface. Gridwalls are versatile and can be used for shelving, hangers and more. Portable gridwalls are also available for the center of your store, or for those whose landlords don’t want them drilling into their walls. Gridwalls are best for modern design or for those on a budget. Higher-end boutiques are encouraged to use slat walls for vertical space use. These are wooden panels with groves to hang shelving and other fixtures. They can be made from timber, laminate or light weight aluminum. They can easily be painted to match the theme of your store.
Guest post is provided by Display Warehouse, offering an acrylic display case selection for retail use. Visit for details.