If regional truck driving jobs are interesting to you, then you need to search internet job boards to local something you may possibly be interested in applying for. You can find truck driving jobs by looking in the available jobs section of your local newspaper, by hearing about them from other people at random companies, or friends and family that work for companies, online job searches and job boards, and a variety of other sources.
If you are someone looking for dedicated truck driving jobs, then it may be time to consider looking on specific company websites or talking with the companies that you are interested in working for – they may have some insight into exactly what you have to do to in order to land the best truck driving job possible. Another good idea is to talk to people who are currently in, or have previously been in the position that you are interested in applying for, so that you know what will be asked of you, and you can get the insider opinion of exactly how it really is to work for the company, and to do the particular job that you are interested in doing. Getting insight is the best way to narrow down the job field and make sure that you are applying for a job that fits your personality, not to mention your work abilities and capabilities. Good luck and happy hunting.